The game industry appeals to thousands and thousands of future employees who grew up with a variety of games that they could never forget, they all have their dreams of making their games one day. With the prosperity of technology and a huge amount of competing products, it is more and more difficult to bring original and fun ideas to the market.
Nowadays, game development requires multiple skills from design theory to technology, from sociology, psychology to UI/UX design. The boarder the knowledge is, the more opportunity one can get in the process of acquiring a position in the industry. Therefore, making a personal project to show your ideas might be a good idea.
My dream job in the game industry is game designer, which might be wired for many people that I chose software technology major instead of game design major. However, according to basically all of the job requirements of a game designer, being familiar with hardcore technology is always a plus and an essential part.
Thus I want to keep developing the Fruit battle idea which I designed in my second year of University as my key step. The key skills I want to build from this project are the ability to do level design properly, more unique and fun mechanics, and my throughout abilities of game development using Unity and C#.
Fruit Battle (my second showcase project) is an FPS with unique mechanics that if players shoot the wrong bullet to the enemies it will give enemies buff instead of damage depending on the enemy type. There are three enemies in the game, apple zombies who are dying for a bite of apple but will become hungrier if the player shoots the wrong fruit so it will chase you much faster than before. Kiwi zombies will rage if you give them the wrong fruit so it will slap you harder with higher damage, with tanky mango zombies who will defend for other zombies and will get tankier if the player shoots the wrong fruit to them. The whole style of the game is aimed at light, happiness, and relaxing with a little bit of absurdity. The basic version is already finished so I'm excited to develop it more to make it much more fun to play.
Here are some areas I want to work on:
1. instead of a static hand-made map, I would like to introduce procedure-produced maps to increase replayability.
2. separate infinite mode and normal modes
3. introducing more sophisticated weapon system (with a grenade, laser gun, or guns with special utility)
4. introducing drop on map items other than health packs, such as a fruit bullet that can hit all types of zombies without giving them buffs
5. introducing boss to certain levels, just imagine giving buffs to a boss
6. some background music, sound, and visual effects
7. adjust with the art style if there is still time left
All the areas above will enhance not only my developing skills as a programmer but also the skills of game design since the job requires a lot of knowledge from completely different fields.